Bouquet for 1500 CZK and more = Free shipping

Florist Prague 6 - daily fresh flowers

Flower offer at the store

You can also come to pick up your bouquet in person.

During a personal visit, we will assist your choice of a bouquet. At our brick-and-mortar shop you can find a great choice of fresh cut flowers or flowerpot flowers, vintage style gifts, artificial flowers, and other house décor items. We are looking forward to your visit, and hope to see you soon.

You can find us at: Jugoslávských partyzánů 33, Prague 6 (next to the Hotel International)

Opening hours

MON-FRI   8:30 AM - 5:30 PM
SAT            9 AM - 12 AM
SUN           CLOSED

On your way – directions:

CAR: From Vítězné náměstí in the direction of Roztoky, just in front of Hotel International make a U-turn and directly park at one of the short-term parking spots.
METRO: line “A” to station Dejvická and continue by foot, by bus or by tram.
BUS: bus stop Čínská (bus no. 107, 116, 147, 160, 340, 350, 355).
TRAM: stop Zelená (tram no. 5, 8).

Postal address of the shop: Jugoslávských partyzánů 1598/33, 160 00 Praha 6 - Dejvice, Czechia

Navigation: At all main map portals you can simply search “”, or open the link below for navigation guidance.

Map and photo of the store:
