When we think of the word passion, we immediately think of roses. That's why this bouquet is full of red roses and chrysanthemums, which will bring even the most ardent cynics to their knees.
The bouquet in the illustrative photo is in the variant deluxe.
The roses are in premium A1 quality and their flowers in XL size.
Arrangement is suitable to give for love, for Valentine's Day and also for birthdays.
The flowers were imported from farms in Colombia or Ecuador and Holland.
The size of the bouquet in the basic size is 30-35 cm.
Her awe factor upon seeing the bouquet: ✿✿✿✿✿
Proper care of the bouquet is important
- Immediately after taking over, the bouquet must be placed in water. Before that, shorten the flower stems by 1-2 cm, ideally with an oblique cut.
- The vase must be tall enough so that the water reaches up to 3/4 of the height of the stems. If any leaf is touching the water, remove it.
- Don't forget to add nutrition for cut flowers.
- Change the water and shorten the stems every day.
- Place the decoration in a cool room without direct sunlight.
Price for bouquet delivery Passion
- You pay CZK139.00 or FREE - when buying a bouquet from CZK1,500.00 for the delivery of flowers on Mon-Fri.
- On Sat, Sun and public holidays the price is CZK199.00 or FREE - when buying a bouquet from CZK1,500.00.
We deliver flowers to Liberec, Olomouc and all over the Czech Republic. Just enter the address in the order and the courier will deliver it for you at the required time. The delivery of the bouquet is anonymous. The recipient will not know from us who sends the bouquet. Therefore, do not forget to attach your message, which we will rewrite on the card.
The prices are flat and valid throughout the territory of the Czech Republic.