There are no answers to some questions. Mourning bouquet "Why aren´t you wiht us? - funeral bouquet?" it is composed of carnations and complemented with limonium or gypsophila and a green garnish.
- The bouquet is meant to be placed next to the coffin. The binding is also adapted to this.
- In the illustrative picture, the arrangement is shown in the premium version.
- The flowers are grown on farms in Holland and their quality is A1 - the highest. We put fully blooming plants in the bond.
- The bouquet also includes a mourning ribbon. You enter the text in the order form and we will transcribe it on the ribbon. Also, email us if you require a tape color other than black.
- We will deliver the flower to the funeral hall, church or to a private address.
Filling out the form
In the "To whom we will send flowers" section of the form, write in the fields:
First and last name - the name of the deceased
Company - name of church, funeral hall
Street and city - the address of the church/funeral hall
Phone - your phone number
Text on a card - we write a short text on a ribbon, a longer text on a condolence card
Instructions for us - the exact start time of the ceremony and possibly other requirements
More information can be found from our article Delivery of funeral flowers on the ceremony.
Price for importing flowers
We deliver the bouquet Why aren´t you wiht us? - funeral bouquet to the church, funeral hall or to a private address throughout the Czech Republic. This service is charged as follows:
- For Mon-Fri delivery, you pay CZK139.00 or FREE - when buying a bouquet from CZK1,500.00.
- Transport on Sat, Sun and public holidays costs CZK199.00 or FREE - when buying a bouquet from CZK1,500.00.
Prices are fixed and valid without restrictions. When handing over flowers, drivers proceed with tact and with regard to the event for which the bouquet is intended.
You can get your experience with our service on the review page.