Flowers delivery in Prague and the whole Czech Republic
Choose flowers according to the occasion - whether it's for your birthday, for your mum, or especially for love - or according to your budget. Prices for pugettes start from 886 CZK. If you like a particular type of flower, focus on our popular rose section. For those who prefer custom arrangements, we have a "Build a bouquet" section. Flower orders with delivery throughout Prague and the Czech Republic are possible online.
We can deliver flowers in Prague within 2 hours of ordering, and across the Czech Republic within hours the same day - and best of all, weekday delivery is priced at CZK139.00 or FREE - when buying a bouquet from CZK1,500.00.
We accept orders for weekend flower delivery in Prague and throughout the Czech Republic no later than 3pm on the last working day. Delivery on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays costs CZK199.00 or FREE - when buying a bouquet from CZK1,500.00. Whatever you choose, you will receive your card and plant food free of charge.